Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sketchdump #5

Sketches from the week.


Jestana said...

Unf. That sketch of Gordon on the bottom left. If I were Bruce, I'd want him, so hard. Lovely work, as always.

Christine Cunningham said...

Thanks! :D
Got that pose from a pic of Gary Oldman. That man just has this *look*; its deadly.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that pic at the bottom left. Omg HOT! The pose is splendid! And the look *melts into a puddle of goo* I can only imagine Batman's reaction here.

That said, I adore the top one to the left. I have such a weird thing for stalker!Batman. And the way he still looks so serious (even though he's being a fangirl). Nomnomnom.

Christine Cunningham said...

I'm glad you like it! (It's all Gary Oldman, I tell you. I should start stealing from his photos for drawings of Jim more often.)

Stalker!Batman is a favourite of mine too. I've always wanted to do a comic of a 'day-in-the-life of Jim' from Bats' point-of-veiw. So, all from surveillance cameras, looking down from rooftops, peering in through windows, etc.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to do a comic of a 'day-in-the-life of Jim' from Bats' point-of-veiw. So, all from surveillance cameras, looking down from rooftops, peering in through windows, etc.

OMG!! Please do it!! I would so love to see that!

Anonymous said...

You mean this one? Rrowrrr. (On both counts!) You just know that's the photo Bruce has in his wallet or as Jim's caller ID on his phone.

And the GCPD family just relaxing and being themselves - and Bats on the outside, jealous of the intimacy they share (or being that close to Jim. Maybe both.)

Christine Cunningham said...

yup! that's the one! (Thanks for the link - I couldn't find it again once I was done with it). My girlfriend and I were looking at photos of Oldman to de-stress on friday. So fun - his smile is so boyishly cute, but then he can turn on this knee-weakening sexy look. Buh. His performance as Gordon certainly made the character much more interesting for me. ;)