Thursday, October 27, 2011

more work doodles...

It's so difficult to work on my comic when there are so many zombies to kill in the evenings...


Toya said...

Comic's looking good so far! ^^b When you're finished, do you plan on posting it on the nowweretwo comm on LJ? I feel that you should be getting way more attention for your stuff.

Christine Cunningham said...

Thanks! Yes, I do plan to share the comic on nowweretwo. I just hope I can get it all finished by Christmas. My goal this weekend is to finish page 7 of 12.
Its really great to hear people are enjoying my Brim stuff. I've been pretty much fully obsessed with Batman/Jim since the summer. There are so many great fanfics out there. I want to do a second comic, but I don't know anyone to brainstorm ideas with.

Toya said...

Cool beans!

Hmm. Well you could always see if some of the more creative minds in the community could lend an ear or two and act as a sounding board. I've been a dried up well of creativity for a long while now so I don't know how helpful I would be.