Wednesday, October 17, 2012

No time for sketching!

So, I finally dove down the rabbit hole that is Charles/Erik fic. Some really excellent writing for those two. I really should've been working diligently today, but I had to doodle a bit. I'm afraid this is all there is for now (In fact, I should be working right now instead of goofing off). So here it is!


Anonymous said...

So, I finally dove down the rabbit hole that is Charles/Erik fic

What fandom is that?

Christine Cunningham said...

That's Marvel's 'X-men'. Fanfiction for the pairing is mostly inspired by the movie 'Xmen: First Class'.

If you're ever interested, I have a short but impressive fanfic rec list going on. :)

Anonymous said...

If you're ever interested, I have a short but impressive fanfic rec list going on. :)

Oooh, I'd be very interested!
(My email is, if you don't want to post it here.)

I liked the X-Men movies. Do I have to read the comics to understand the fanfics?
