Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sketchdump #3


Anonymous said...

Weee, new scetches!

The last one - is this going anywhere, I wonder? Looks a bit like part of a story...? :-)


Christine Cunningham said...

I finally went to see the DKR on wednesday, so I'm all a-flutter with new ideas! I just need some time to read some fanfic, sit down and think something up. I like the idea of doing a quick story about Jim getting to know Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire. :D
It was great to finally be able to read everyone's reviews over on Nowweretwo.

Anonymous said...

It was great to finally be able to read everyone's reviews over on Nowweretwo.

I have to wait yet another day, unfortunately. Movie came out only this thursday :-(

But I'll be seeing it tomorrow. Finally! Yeay! I even managed to stay relatively unspoiled so far.

I like the idea of doing a quick story about Jim getting to know Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire. :D
Sounds interesting, I liked the beginning so far. I'll be looking forward to it, if you'll decide to do it. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hooray for sketches! And hooray for new ideas! :D

I like the idea of doing a quick story about Jim getting to know Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire.

I very much like the idea of that too...