Saturday, April 28, 2007

I promised I would update...

Ah, I has such high hopes for my second post here, but, alas, I just haven't had the time to draw. I worked two 12 hour days in a row, then worked some more today... saturday afternoon, of all things and I'm just dead tired. Too tired to draw. But I promised myself I would update no matter what, so today's offering is off some old stuff - a little something I drew for my friend Bronwyn - to congratulate her on a TA job at the university. We're both huge Snape fans.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Everyone's doing it...

I tried setting up a blog several months ago, but it just didn't take. I was too busy, too lazy... I had lots of good excuses for never updating it. But no more! This is the new and improved, non-lazy Christine. For my first post on my shiny new blog: a sweet kiss.