Friday, September 14, 2007

Ooo, two posts in one day!

I was on a roll there with the scanning, so here are two old sketches from May.

The sketchbook pages of the last month and half..

I know, there's depressingly little here and most of its crap. Well, except for the coloured stuff, but what can I say - the plane flight was heinously boring. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Been watching too much Samurai Champloo..

Gomar helped me get Ikue Asazaki's song Obokuri-Eemui (Obtain Bearing) off a file on YouTube. Someone had kindly posted the whole song. This drawing wasn't really motivated by the song in particular, just a doodle I did with Sketchbook Pro.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Back from England...

I seriously need to spend some time this week and get my sketchbook pages scanned in, but, to tide things over, I've done a little doodle of me post-UK. Don't I look happy to be home?

Friday, July 20, 2007


I finally got around to scanning in some sketchbook stuff. Its all really recent too.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Late night doodle...

Title says it all. I might rework this one and do a good copy. I think Frankenbear is a little off-model.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Finishing old, old, old projects...

These are the roughs for another "Bronwyn is Snape's PA" comic I had intended to do ages ago, while she was still at the University. Now that I have the time, I'm finally going to finish it up. After this, I suppose I should update my demo reel and CV and try to get another job. Finding the enthusiasm to do so, however, is proving difficult.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back in Montreal...

Ah, its fun being back here again. My flatmates are the best, the weather is sunny and warm. Everyone here smokes, so I don't feel like a complete heel when I smoke on the café patio. I'm going to see DayWatch with some people tomorrow night. Life is good. - This doodle is the first draft of a tattoo for one of my roomies. She's getting the constellation Orion done on her back and has invited all her close friends to design a star.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Too lazy to hook up a scanner..

I actually *did* do some drawing in my sketchbook the other day. However, you won't get to see it because I can't be bothered to dig out and hook up a scanner. Instead, I did this in Flash today - got tired of looking at my animation.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Boy, do I don't have anything I really want to put up here..

I don't have any new drawings. I don't have anything of deep and abiding interest to contribute. Nevertheless, I said I would update this thing every now and again and its been nearly two weeks. Here's another old drawing.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Finally something new..

Didn't get much drawing done over the weekend. But I did take the time between work tonight to do this doodle. Tess is fun to draw, but I don't usually draw her sad.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Something more recent...

Here's a drawing I did for my parents last Xmas. I never know what to do for them until the last minute, which is why it's not inked. I think its a good representation of the Cunningham family. The quality of the image is utter crap, unfortunately, but I didn't have a scanner on hand and now the thing is framed at the house, so chances of getting a better are slim to none.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I promised I would update...

Ah, I has such high hopes for my second post here, but, alas, I just haven't had the time to draw. I worked two 12 hour days in a row, then worked some more today... saturday afternoon, of all things and I'm just dead tired. Too tired to draw. But I promised myself I would update no matter what, so today's offering is off some old stuff - a little something I drew for my friend Bronwyn - to congratulate her on a TA job at the university. We're both huge Snape fans.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Everyone's doing it...

I tried setting up a blog several months ago, but it just didn't take. I was too busy, too lazy... I had lots of good excuses for never updating it. But no more! This is the new and improved, non-lazy Christine. For my first post on my shiny new blog: a sweet kiss.